What traits make someone a good fundraiser?
Many of us believe we would not be good at fundraising. But how do we know? Are there personal characteristics that are necessary? This article’s conclusions may surprise you.
Read MoreMany of us believe we would not be good at fundraising. But how do we know? Are there personal characteristics that are necessary? This article’s conclusions may surprise you.
Read MoreThis article contains advice for small and larger groups on hiring and retaining a great development officer. Hiring this professional is a critical project but it's not easy. This article brings you options to consider.
Read MoreBoard members often ask this question: “A group where my friend is on the board just got a huge new gift. Shouldn't WE be raising more money from [foundations/ major donors/ corporations/ events/ planned gifts/ online giving/ (pick your source) ...]?” The answer to their question is "Maybe..." But what are the factors to consider?
Read MoreYou've just learned from a long-term major donor that they are not going to give or are only giving a token amount to your special campaign. You think, "If I just keep working with them, they will come through". Maybe not. How can you avoid spending too much time on a donor who will not be giving again?
Read MoreSecuring major gifts for your organization takes time and it takes high quality conversations between you and your supporters. Discovering their motivation(s) can be a critical stepping-stone to more meaningful gifts.
Read MoreWhen it comes to successful fundraising, donor motivation is at the heart of the matter.
Read MoreGetting to the ask should be less like climbing a mountain and more like following a meandering stream to a beautiful waterfall that you know is there ahead of time!
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