How to Renew and Increase Your Annual Gifts from Individuals
Making sure you retain donors from one year to the next is critical, but helping them increase their gifts is just as important in order to meet your fundraising goals.
Read MoreMaking sure you retain donors from one year to the next is critical, but helping them increase their gifts is just as important in order to meet your fundraising goals.
Read MoreAutonomous elders can become major donors, as the work of your group becomes part of their personal legacy. But you have to understand what matters to them about your work first.
Read MoreIt’s almost always a wonderful thing to have children, but people who don’t have them have a lot more time to develop other interests. Our nurturing, caring instincts can be directed to efforts in our communities – volunteering and giving financially.
Read MoreHow can you identify and engage these donors, since they are probably not going to introduce themselves, set an appointment, come in and make a big gift? Here are some suggestions.
Read MoreIf you are an executive director new to fundraising, a professional new to major gifts fundraising, or joining a Board or Capital Campaign committee, it can be very helpful to consider what the donor may be thinking when you meet with them to ask for a gift.
Read MoreBoard Members need to understand how to ask a donor for a significant gift. This is true even if they are relying on their staff teammate to be the designated asker. How can these solicitations for significant gifts go smoothly and with great results?
Read MoreSometimes feeling nervous makes us talk too much, or we might clam up. How can we focus AWAY from the nervousness, and TOWARDS the donor and what she or he would like to discuss, specifically about their regard for your group’s work?
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