Private Coaching, including Major Gifts

Customized, As-Needed Support and Counsel

Having a deeply-experienced, strategic, and confident development coach available to guide or constructively review your work can be invaluable. This service can be particularly helpful to the CEO and the Board when there is no senior development position in the organization. It’s also helpful to experienced development professionals when starting into a new development program such as Major Gifts.

Coaching works well in conjunction with or following other services, particularly the Assessment and the Fundraising Plan. Implementation is key to making the evaluation and planning investments worthwhile. A coaching arrangement can help ensure a successful implementation.

Coaching is a flexible service. Any task can be requested that is within the professional scope, for example — helping prepare for a meeting with a donor, summarizing development goals or results for a board meeting, or recommending an approach to a foundation. A minimum number of hours per month is required, and for new clients a pre-coaching project is usually required in order for coaching to be most effective.

Please note: Starting in 2024, Dianna Smiley LLC will offer Major Gifts coaching as a stand-alone service. Please inquire through our Contact page.

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